Following on from the most recent People Managing Oceans workshop — organised and funded by members of Nature Caribe — that was designed not only to raise the awareness of civil society (NGOs and SMEs) in Samana, Dominican Republic, about the ambitious People Managing Oceans programme, but also to help them align their strategies and actions and gain their endorsement for the 2018-2030 Civil Society Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of the Shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+ C-SAP), organisations have been asking how do they endorse “People managing oceans” CLME+ C-SAP?

First off, why should you endorse ‘People Managing Oceans’?
By endorsing ‘People Managing Oceans’ you show that you agree with the strategies and actions set out in the programme, and agree, to the extent possible, to support and promote its use within your organisation and among other civil society organisations within your network.
Endorsing ‘People Managing Oceans’ also shows governments, inter-governmental agencies and donors that civil society is committed to being a partner in managing the marine ecosystems in the CLME+ region and supporting the politically endorsed CLME+ SAP.
If that sounds good to you, then you can show your support for civil society’s role in managing oceans simply by clicking here.
To find out more about the 2018-2030 Civil Society Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of the Shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean and North Brazil Sh Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+ C-SAP), here is a link.